Mike Zraika
Business Development Manager
Introduce yourself.
“Hello, my name is Michael Zraika, and I’ve been working in the industry for close to 20 years.”
What is your favourite memory from working at Arte?
“My favourite memory at Arte is basically how we celebrate success as an organisation.”
What makes Arte unique as an organisation?
“What makes us unique as an organisation is how versatile we are as a business. If it’s justifiable and commercially sound, we can make amazing things happen for our customers.”
How do we build partnerships with our customers?
“Our partnerships are customer-centric. They offer transparency, lack of ambiguity and offer a targeted approach to our customer’s core business plan.”
What’s your top tip for café’s in 2021?
“Embrace the change. Be innovative. A famous quote from Churchill, that I live by religiously is, ‘to change is to improve, to change often is to be perfect’.”
What’s the biggest mistake you see café’s making?
“The biggest mistake I see café’s making is doing the same thing consistently. I urge all cafés to embrace change, be innovative, be fresh and be relevant.”
What trends do you see emerging in coffee in 2021?
“I believe we’ll see more innovation in the equipment space, more so in the technical features that drive consistency.”
How can cafes best adapt to constantly changing COVID restrictions?
“The best way to adapt is to continue to communicate to your customers. Whether you’re communicating specials, offers or menus, it’s best to do that through online mediums, rather than waiting for them to walk in your door. The biggest concern for a lot of cafes at the moment is uncertainty, and I guess that comes back to embracing change, always look at the positives in a situation.”